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Fishing Knot Guide

Fishing Knots

Click Name For Instructions

Albright Knot

The Albright Knot is primarily used for joining monofilament lines of different sizes, such as your main line to a fluorocarbon leader or shock leader. It is not an easy knot to tie but a good tight

Uni-Knot (For use with Power Pro Line)

A basic knot which can be used to meet just about every knot tying need. Some prefer an improved clinch or Palomar over the uni-knot.

Blood Knot

Mostly used to join two lines of about the same diameter. A good alternative to the Albright knot but not as good as a Surgeon's knot.

Snell Knot

The Snell Knot provides a strong connection when fishing with bait and using a separate length of leader. ( only use a Snell Knot with a leader.)

Crawford Knot

The Crawford knot is a very versatile knot for tying most types of hook, swivel, or lure "eyes" to a leader or line.

Spider Hitch

This is the faster, easier knot to create a double-line leader. Under steady pressure it is equally strong but does not have the resilience of the Bimini Twist under sharp impact.

Dropper Loop

This is the basic knot for a High Low Bait Rig, with practice it is very easy tie. It is used on so many other rigs its a knot you should learn to tie.
Surgeon's Knot

This is the knot surgeons use to put you back together so its a safe bet its a good one. If you tie it good and tight it is an excellent knot for joining your main line to your leader.

Palomar Knot (For use with Power Pro Line)

The best all around knot and very easy to tie, It has been proven to be one of the strongest knots to hold terminal tackle.

Trilene® Knot

The Trilene Knot is a strong reliable connection that resists slippage and premature failures.